Manager's Guide Skip to main content

Manager's Guide

Managers will receive dedicated support to empower them and their teams to collaborate effectively, driving progress toward university and departmental objectives.

Contact Student Employment to receive a Manager’s Guide to assist with Student Employment processes which includes creating a job requisition, transfers, terminations, and more.

Hiring Details

The hire process involves the student, hiring manager and Student Employment. Each step is an integral part of the process and must be completed with accuracy to stay in compliance with all hiring guidelines.
    1. Hiring Manager – Creates and submits a job requisition.
    2. Student Employment – Reviews and posts the job requisition.
    3. Student – Applies for up to five jobs at a time.
    4. Hiring Manager – Screen and interview candidates, then submits the offer in Workday.
    5. Student Employment – Generates the job offer and submits to the student for review.
    6. Student – Acknowledgement of offer acceptance or decline in Workday.
    7. Student Employment – Process the hire and assigns the online orientation.
    8. Student – Completes onboarding tasks and online orientation.
    9. Student Employment – Finalizes onboarding and issues the yellow card to the student.
    10. Student – Provides the yellow card to the hiring manager and begins work.
  • The yellow student hire certification card is required prior to starting employment. A yellow card is confirmation that all hiring requirements have been completed and cleared by Student Employment. New student hires or rehires must present the yellow card to the managers. Managers must review the information on the yellow card before they allow new student hires and rehires to begin work.

Time Submission and Approvals

The deadline to submit and approve time is the Monday before payday as follows:

12:00 pm
Deadline for hourly employees to submit time.

5:00 pm
Deadline for managers and timekeepers to approve time.

Review the pay schedule carefully to ensure you are aware of all deadline dates.

Pay Schedule

All hourly employees are encouraged to submit their hours on a weekly basis after their last worked shift for the week. Managers and timekeepers are encouraged to check their Workday inbox each week for time approvals.

The Workday time tracking system will be offline for maintenance every Friday from 8:00 pm until Saturday at 7:00 am. Employees needing to track time during this outage will need to enter hours on their timesheets once the system is back online.
  • Managers can review their employees’ time by using the Review Time Report. The review time report will show which employees have unsubmitted, submitted and approved time. Refer to the video below for instructions on how to review and approve time.

    Reviewing Employees' Time

  • Timekeepers are non-student employees that managers have assign to be their back up for approving time for their hourly employees if the manager is out of the office due to being sick, on vacation, etc.

    Timekeepers are not accountable for approving time. The primary responsibility resides with the manager. If time is not approved by the deadline, then the violation will be directed to the manager, and not the timekeeper.

  • Unmatched time occurs when an employee has clocked in without clocking out, or clocked out without clocking in. If a student has an unmatched time event, it will create an error on their timesheet, preventing them from submitting their time for that pay period. To resolve this, the employee needs to clock on the unmatched time block and enter the correct in or out time.

    Employees with an unmatched time entry will not receive a paycheck for that pay period. It’s important that all time blocks are complete, with both an in and out time recorded.

    If a student needs to edit their time after the 12pm deadline, they must complete the Time Edit Form and submit it to the Payroll Office.

    Workday Time Tracking Edit Form