Tuition Benefits Waiver Skip to main content

Tuition Benefits Waiver

Regular full-time employees receive a full tuition waiver at BYU–Hawaii, if they are enrolled in courses that are covered in the tuition waiver policy. Spouses and dependents of eligible BYU–Hawaii employees may receive full tuition (spouse) or half tuition (children) waivers at BYU–Hawaii, BYU–Idaho, BYU, BYU-Pathway or Ensign College, if they are enrolled in courses that are covered in the tuition waiver policy. The dependent must have earned less than 152 credits or be under the age of 30, whichever occurs first at the time of the start of the semester.

Eligible dependents of a mission or temple president or general authority may qualify for full tuition benefit while their parent is serving. In order to qualify for this benefit, the dependent must meet the following conditions:

  • They are under age 26 and not married at the start of the school term.
  • The tuition is for an undergraduate degree.
  • They did not fail the prior school term.
  • The school term began after the start of the date and before the end date of service.

Further information can be found on the tuition waiver policy.

Apply for Tuition Benefits Waiver
BYU–Hawaii students are not required to complete the "Total Credits Completed So Far" section of this form.
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